Sunday, June 27, 2010

To infinity and beyondd!!

Parul's birthday is awesome. I seriously think I've consumed a whole bag of starburst/ chocolates today. I am still full and my eyelids are heavy with exhaustion. It feels like the holidays have started, however, there is still one more week of school to go. I will spend most of my holidays either at home, next to the fridge, or in cab library (where I will force myself to study because there is nothing else to do). Anyways, I ended up dressing up as minnie mouse and here's my outfit. thanks mum for the sewing the skirt. The black leotard is a hand-me-down. minnie mouse head band-from bargain. stockings from home.


  1. thanks quyen! Not as adorable as you in your cardboard box though!

  2. so enlighten me as to why the blog title is "to infinity and beyond" ? i saw it on my dashboard and was like BUZZ ?! =D then i see minnie mouse ==" LOL ALLAN<3TOYSTORY :3

  3. cause someone dressed as buzz lightyear. and no its MY BUZZ! MY TOY STORY =3
